Re: httpRange-14 Change Proposal

On Thu, 2012-03-29 at 11:55 +0900, トーレ エリクソン wrote:
[ . . . ]
> If we agree that
> _:a a rdfs:Class;
>     rdfs:comment "the set of things which can have
>                   their representations retrieved via HTTP"; 
>     owl:equivalentClass rdfs:Resource.
> the interface between the web and the semantic web becomes much easier
> to understand.

+1 . . . almost.  Except that I think you should remove the
owl:equivalentClass assertion, so that it is not *always* the same set
as rdf:Resource in *all* uses:
  _:a a rdfs:Class;
     rdfs:comment """The set of things which can have
                   their representations retrieved via HTTP.
                   Initially this is the same set as
                   rdfs:Resource.  However, some applications
                   may choose to additionally constrain this
                   set.""" .

David Booth, Ph.D.

Opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily
reflect those of his employer.

Received on Thursday, 29 March 2012 17:14:15 UTC