Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV) Annoucement

Hello all,

Bernard and I are pleased to announce that the Linked Open Vocabularies
(LOV) project is now hosted at OKFN [1]. Many thanks to the Open Knowledge
Foundation team (OKFN)[2] which now offers the technical support and the
means to guarantee the sustainability of this project dedicated to the
Vocabulary Commons [3].

Because one news is not enough, we also added a new vocabulary versions
history feature for every vocabulary (e.g. Dublin Core[4] or SKOS[5]).
Versions are displayed on a timeline and you can download previous versions
and track changes (when available). Thanks to all vocabulary curators who
were wiling to clean their vocabularies and to search in dusty directories,
for vintage versions. We hope that examples already there will push other
curators to be part of the LOV-History :)

Feel free to contact us to add a new version or use the suggest feature[6]
to propose a new vocabulary.

Pierre-Yves Vandenbussche and Bernard Vatant.







Received on Tuesday, 10 July 2012 07:38:11 UTC