Re: Finding a SPARQL endpoint by an LOD URI?

On Wednesday 4. July 2012 08.45.24 Heiko Paulheim wrote:
> Hi all,

Hi Heiko!

> I am wondering whether there is a way of finding a SPARQL endpoint for
> an LOD URI, i.e., a function f that behaves like
> f(<>) = <>

You may be interested in my paper to the LAPIS workshop on ESWC:
with slides:

In there, I advocate that timbl's requirement would be satisfied in a 
RESTful manner if everyone linked to a VoID description (like the VoIDists 
already responded), or failing that, adding these two triples to every 
description, e.g.

<> void:inDataset [ void:sparqlEndpoint </sparql> ] .

My own implementation does this now by default:
as can be seen here:


Kjetil Kjernsmo
Ph.D. Research Fellow, Semantic Web
Department of Informatics, University of Oslo

Received on Saturday, 7 July 2012 10:19:25 UTC