Re: Modelling colors

On 2012-01 -26, at 00:15, Melvin Carvalho wrote:

> I see hasColor a lot in the OWL documentation but I was trying to work
> out a way to say something has a certain color.
> I understand linked open colors was a joke
> Anyone know of an ontology with color or hasColor as a predicate?

In are some terms for adding to things (classes, or individuals) hints
for user agents as to what color things should be.
The tabulator uses this for things like task priority level in the tracker in the bug pane.


In practice backgroundColor is more useful if you are going to use us
it for text-based UI, as it is more legible than text color.

Tim BL

style a r:Property, owl:DatatypeProperty;
	s:label "style";
        prompt "CSS style";
	s:comment """Must be a valid CSS style string such as one could put in
        an HTML style attribute.  Depedning on teh user interface system, this can
        by given to individuals, classes or properties. It is up to a user interface 
        which wants to draw on them to pick how it uses styles from which parts
        of the data it has.  For example, the style of a class may be picked 
        to distinguish information about things in that class.""".

backgroundColor a r:Property, owl:DatatypeProperty;
	s:label "background colour"@en;
        s:range ui:Color;
	s:comment """Must be a valid CSS color string such as one could put in
        an HTML style attribute.  This should be in the #xxxxxx form,
        (with 6 digits of hex)  so that it
        can work with Graphviz.""".

color a r:Property, owl:DatatypeProperty;
    s:label "colour"@en;
    s:range ui:Color;
	s:comment """Must be a valid CSS color string such as one could put in
        an HTML style attribute.  This should be in the #xxxxxx form,
        (with 6 digits of hex)  so that it
        can work with Graphviz.""".

Received on Thursday, 26 January 2012 07:01:11 UTC