Re: Metadata about single triples

Dear Kingsley,

>> But this is what (most?) triple stores do with the default graph in the
>> absence of FROM/NAMED clauses in queries anyway. (Certainly this is the
>> Sesame approach, followed by OWLIM.)
> Not so re. Virtuoso. The Graph IRIs don't matter. Only used them if you
> explicitly seek to constrain the dataset from which you seek a SPARQL based
> solution.

This is the behavior we want to have. In most cases, we'll have
queries that select the named graphs to query from via their metadata.
E.g. "give me all reports about food distributions reported on
2011-12-15 by organization XY", where the reporting data and reporting
organization would be metadata of our named graphs.

> Same data across different Graph IRIs != duplication.

This was essentially one of my questions. Is this the case only for Virtuoso?


Received on Thursday, 23 February 2012 12:08:14 UTC