Announcing OpenLink Virtuoso, Open-Source Edition, v6.1.6


OpenLink Software is pleased to announce a new release of Virtuoso, 
Open-Source Edition, v6.1.6.

New product features include:

   * Database engine
     - Added support for SPARQL Service Description
     - Added support for SOUNDEX and DIFFERENCE
     - Added support for FROM SUBQUERY { .. } in quad map
     - Added optimizations to JSON parser
     - Added support for SSL Certificate Chains
     - Added WebID protected endpoints templates
     - Added error reporting if query compilation fails
     - Added extra checks for db slices
     - Added DSN names to explain output
     - Added support for CORS in Web Services
     - Added propagation of LIMIT restrictions
     - Added support for protocol switching e.g. using websockets
     - Added generation of url rewrite rules
     - Fixed ETag calculation
     - Fixed bad code for clear graph <xxxx>
     - Fixed buffer overflow when using wide chars
     - Fixed check to prevent out of range seek
     - Fixed clear errors on ODBC connection handle
     - Fixed compiler warnings
     - Fixed datetime conversion
     - Fixed external vars in table subqueries of scalar subqueries
     - Fixed http_ses_arg is supposed to return ws_session
     - Fixed issue with content type if already set by rewrite rule
     - Fixed issue with transitive subqueries
     - Fixed issue with unknown BIF msg in SPARQL compiler error
     - Fixed issue with Bison 2.6 code generation
     - Fixed issue with SERVICE
     - Fixed issue with UNIONs
     - Fixed issue with incomplete rdf box
     - Fixed memory leaks
     - Fixed multi-column transitivity
     - Fixed portability issues on FreeBSD, Solaris and Mac OS X
     - Fixed print of builtin expressions with multipart alias name
     - Fixed use provided password from ODBC connect handle
     - Fixed valgrind warnings
     - Updated documentation

   * SPARQL and RDF
     - Added RDFa and HTML+Microdata autodetection
     - Added WebDAV REPORT method support re. versioning
     - Added WebDAV DET folder type
     - Added Wolfram|Alpha cartridge
     - Added debug code for sponger
     - Added di: scheme
     - Added extra debugging code to SPARQL engine
     - Added new mime type application/n-triples
     - Added procedure view for SPARQL BINDINDS
     - Added rdb2rdf VAD for R2RML functionality
     - Added support for INF, -INF and NaN
     - Added support for SPARQL 1.1 BINDINGS
     - Added support for self-description
     - Added support for hash based proxy IRIs
     - Added support for sponging of ftp URLs
     - Added support for subqueries inside QUAP MAP { .. } groups
     - Added support for tab-separated-values (TSV) output format in sparql
     - Fixed access rights and status for SPARUL_LOAD_SERVICE_DATA
     - Fixed escaping of weird IRIs in RDF/XML output
     - Fixed grants for SPARQL LOAD SERVICE <...> DATA
     - Fixed issue joining two federated queries to the same host
     - Fixed issue with double "AS" for lang in resultset
     - Fixed issue with RDF View, bif:contains and option(?score)
     - Fixed issue with SPARQL-FED code generation
     - Fixed issue with graph level security check in SPARQL-FED subquery
     - Fixed issue with transitive query
     - Fixed issue with xsd:dateTime in SPARQL results
     - Fixed issues loading microdata with namespace decls
     - Fixed negation to use SPARQL 1.1 FILTER NOT EXISTS
     - Fixed possible stack overflow on long UNIONs
     - Fixed resource name encoding problem
     - Fixed service SPARQL codegen with zero retvals
     - Fixed support for SERVICE
     - Improved error diagnostics for ALTER QUAD STORAGE <> { DROP }
     - Removed test for @rel, @rev or @property from application/xhtml+xml
     - Upgraded sesame driver to use Sesame 2.5.6

     - Merged DBpedia VAD fixes
       + Added registry setting dbp_last_modification to get SP 
returning last modified date
       + Added support for If-Modified-Since
       + Added support for rel="nofollow" on external links
       + Fixed XHTML+RDFa validation
       + Fixed check if modified
       + Fixed reset timezone
       + Fixed use owl graph for properties

     - Merged iSPARQL vad
       + Added control for raw URIs in sparql result set view
       + Added persistence in permalinks
       + Added alternate links in <head/>
       + Added support to remember rdf display/tab
       + Added support to remember previous tab
       + Upgraded MAP support for latest OpenLayers/OpenStreetmap
       + Disabled dysfunctional NASA blue marble tiles

   * ODS Applications
     - Added initial API documentation + doxify templates
     - Added advanced ACL settings for sparql or services authentication
     - Added ACL filters
     - Added support for mounting and WebID ACL protection of DropBox,, Google Drive, and Microsoft SkyDrive folders
     - Added support for private graphs
     - Fixed redirect

     - Merged ODS Addressbook fixes
       + Added CalDAV Import

     - Merged ODS Bookmark VAD
       + Added folder definition
       + Added default values for cartridges
       + Added support for WebDAV DET
       + Added support for private graphs
       + Fixed bad owner in some DET resources
       + Fixed permission problem for some DETs
       + Updated S3 DET folders re. support for WebID ACLs

     - Merged ODS Briefcase VAD
       + Added ACL for IMAP DET folder
       + Added mail notification for webid sharing
       + Fixed problem with editing mounted resources
       + Fixed resource server side encryption problem
       + Fixed sponger association with DETs feature

     - Merged ODS Calendar VAD
       + Added CalDAV, CardDAV DETs and RESTful CRUD
       + Fixed WebID write access
       + Fixed daylight savings time on import to calendar

     - Merged ODS Framework VAD
       + Added Help links
       + Added JSON output option for certgen
       + Added link tags to user's pages
       + Fixed 'Enable Automatic WebID Login' value
       + Fixed private graphs init
       + Fixed quotes on sparql vars
       + Fixed remove session when acl is altered
       + Fixed rest interface page
       + Fixed Semantic Pingback protocol
       + Fixed void dset
       + Updated CKeditor to version 3.6.3

Other links:

Virtuoso Open Source Edition:
  * Home Page:
  * Download Page:

OpenLink Data Spaces:
  * Home Page:
  * SPARQL Usage Examples (re. SIOC, FOAF, AtomOWL, SKOS):

OpenLink AJAX Toolkit (OAT):
  * Project Page:
  * Live Demonstration:
  * Interactive SPARQL Demo:

OpenLink Data Explorer (Firefox extension for RDF browsing):
  * Home Page:


Tim Haynes
Product Development Consultant
OpenLink Software

Received on Thursday, 2 August 2012 14:03:37 UTC