Metadata statistics from Yahoo! Search

Hi All,

To add one more data point to the previous discussion about, we have recently presented a short position paper at 
the LDOW 2012 workshop at WWW 2012. Online at

Please compare this carefully with the results of Bizer et al.:

As it always the case with statistics, it matters what you count on and 
how you count ;) For example, Chris and his co-authors did not consider 
most of OGP data on the Web, which results in large discrepancies in the 
counts for RDFa, as well as overall counts.

Nevertheless, both studies confirm that the Semantic Web, and in 
particular metadata in HTML, is taking on in major ways thanks to the 
efforts of Facebook, the sponsors of and many other 
individuals and organizations. Comparing to our previous numbers, for 
example we see a five-fold increase in RDFa usage with 25% of webpages 
containing RDFa data (including OGP), and over 7% of web pages 
containing microdata. These are incredibly impressive numbers, which 
illustrate that this part of the Semantic Web has gone mainstream.


Received on Tuesday, 17 April 2012 15:07:48 UTC