Re: Explaining the benefits of http-range14 (was Re: [HTTP-range-14] Hyperthing: Semantic Web URI Validator (303, 301, 302, 307 and hash URIs) )

Dave, hello.

On 2011 Oct 20, at 22:31, Dave Reynolds wrote:

>>> Benefit 2: Conceptual cleanliness and hedging your bets
>>> [...]Even if we can't spot the practical problems right now
>>> then differentiating between the galaxy itself and some piece of data
>>> about the galaxy could turn out to be important in practice.
>> It is.  I want to say that 'line 123 in this catalogue [an existing RDBMS] and line 456 in that one both refer to the same galaxy, but they give different values for its surface brightness'.  There's no way I can articulate that unless I'm explicitly clear about the difference between a billion suns and a database row.


> Perhaps benefit 2 could be reframed as being about forcing you to
> confront the map/territory distinction so you end up doing better
> modelling - whether or not you implement 303s.

I think that's _very_ true.  Perhaps one can say that any "information architect" should understand the IR/NIR distinction, however they subsequently decide to represent this.

> I think the discussion Leigh was trying to start was "can we more
> clearly article those benefits of the 'right way'". I was taking a shot
> a that, maybe a very limited off-target one.

While I think it's very important to be clear about precisely what one's URIs refer to, I'm starting to wonder if the benefits of the 'right way' (which is the IR/NIR and 200/303 distinction, right?) really are all that massive.

I think your listing of the costs and benefits <> is a useful summary.

> Most people I
> talk to grok the distinction, the hard bit is understanding why 303
> redirects is a sensible way of making it and caring about it enough to
> put those in place.

Yes: it's becoming clearer to me that this is what the discussion is really about, even though it started off being about the lament "why don't people understand this distinction?".


You also commented on ways to represent observational data.

> (1) Describe the observations explicitly using something like ISO O&M or
> the DataCube vocabulary:
>   <> a qb:Observation;
>       eg:galaxy      <>;
>       eg:brightness  6.5 ;
>       eg:obsdate     '2011-10-10'^^xsd:date ;
>       qb:dataset     <> .
>   <> a qb:Observation;
>       eg:galaxy      <>;
>       eg:brightness  6.8 ;
>       eg:obsdate     '2011-09-01'^^xsd:date ;
>       qb:dataset     <> .
> (2) Each catalogue gives its own URI to its "understanding" of the
> galaxy so it can assert things directly about it without conflict:
>   <>  eg:brightness 6.5;
>      eg:correspondsTo    <> .
>   <>  eg:brightness 6.8;
>      eg:correspondsTo    <> .

For huge numbers of objects, the _only_ name they have is their number in some observational catalogue or other -- there's no canonical IAU name.  In a current project, we're setting up the support to be able to say 

    <> cat1:brightness xxx.
    <> cat2:brightness yyy.
    <> owl:sameAs <http://catalogue2/galaxy/456>.

We probably also want to reify the database rows where the first two statements come from, in order to make last-modified-like statements about them, but whether we do that with a named graph, or some other way, is a problem we haven't had to confront quite yet.

> In *none* of those cases doesn't it make any difference whether when I
> dereference <> in a browser I get a web page
> saying "I denote the galaxy M31" or I get a 303 redirect to something
> like <> which in turn connegs to a web page
> saying "The URI you started with denoted the galaxy M31, me I'm just a
> web page, you can tell me by the way I walk".

Well, I think it does matter, because in this case, the thing named <> could plausibly be either the galaxy or the database row (and I suppose I could claim the latter as a NIR, with a following wind), and I'd need to be able to state, somewhere, which it is.  But that's handled by my providing some RDF somewhere which explains which it is: the problem is how to get to that RDF without drawing some ambiguous or wrong conclusions on the way.

Best wishes,


Norman Gray  :
SUPA School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK

Received on Friday, 21 October 2011 14:36:15 UTC