Re: {Disarmed} Re: Squaring the HTTP-range-14 circle

On 13 Jun 2011, at 13:02, Christopher Gutteridge wrote:
> Option one is to read that as 
> <> foaf:member <http://<> .
> which is not true

Whether it's true or not is up to the URI owner, because they get to decide what identifies.

> and prevents us making any statements about the documents directly (ie. license, creator, last modified)

How so? Look:

   foaf:member <>;
   dc:license <...>;
   dc:creator <...>;
   dc:modified "..."^^xsd:date.

Web pages don't have members and groups of people don't have licenses. Anyone with a minimum of intelligence -- human or machine -- can work that out.

> What might work better is if you have new predicates which explicitly means <the primary topic of this document has a member who is the primary topic of...>

That would work, and I've used that pattern in the past [1], but try explaining that to someone outside this mailing list or writing it down in JSON.

> This is more or less what seems to be doing, if I've understood correctly...

No, they just don't give a damn that the same URI ends up being used for a document and a thing.



Received on Monday, 13 June 2011 13:42:06 UTC