RE: URI Comparisons: RFC 2616 vs. RDF


The doubt just kept on because in all protocols we were still referring to the same URN.

Thank you for your explanation, and we've been using the owl:sameAs property for this. 

Nuno Bettencourt

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nathan []
> Sent: segunda-feira, 17 de Janeiro de 2011 17:34
> To: Nuno Bettencourt
> Cc: 'Dave Reynolds'; 'Martin Hepp';
> Subject: Re: URI Comparisons: RFC 2616 vs. RDF
> Nuno Bettencourt wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Even though I'll be deviating the point just a bit, since we're discussing URI
> comparison in terms of RDF, I would like to request some help.
> >
> > I have a doubt about URLs when it comes to RDF URI comparison. Is
> > there any RFC that establishes if
> >
> >
> >
> > or even
> >
> >
> > should or not be considered the same resource?
> No, and no such rules can be written (as they are case specific, and all the
> above URIs could easily, and often do, point to differing resources)
> - if all URIs point to the same resource then it should be stated as such by
> some other means, which in RDF would mean owl:sameas.
> Best,
> Nathan

Received on Monday, 17 January 2011 17:54:06 UTC