Re: Wordnet Planets SPARQL Puzzle

On 4/12/11 10:03 AM, Rob Vesse wrote:
> Hi Glenn
> Interjecting into your email thread re Danny's SPARQL puzzle in case 
> you hadn't seen my tweets to him today on this topic
> On Tue, 12 Apr 2011 09:33:05 -0400, glenn mcdonald <> 
> wrote:
>     Which is what I was talking about in Boundedness: does the data
>     have the properties you need to extract the subset you want. E.g.,
>     Danny Ayers yesterday was trying to make a SPARQL query for
>     Wordnet that found the planets in the solar system that aren't
>     named after Roman gods. But neither he nor I could find any way in
>     the data to distinguish actual planets in the list of solar
>     bodies, so we couldn't quite make it right. That was a data
>     problem, not a tool problem. But the difficulty of figuring this
>     out, /using/ the tools, was a tool problem.
> Here is a query that answers Danny's question (also online at 
>  You'll need a SPARQL 1.1 engine to run 
> this, if you don't have a local one to hand (or it doesn't support all 
> the features I've used in the query since some are only in the editors 
> drafts currently) then you can run this online at 
> AFAIK this should also run under Jena's ARQ (you may need the latest 
> snapshot) and should be runnable on except that the site 
> appears to be down at the moment
> The query is a tad clunky because the RKB Explorer endpoints are 
> SPARQL 1.0 only so has to be split into several sections because the 
> local SPARQL engine has to do the MINUS bit.  Once it has done the 
> Wordnet bit it constructs a DBPedia Resource URI and then uses an 
> EXISTS filter over a SERVICE call to DBPedia to ensure that the 
> resource is a Planet
> PREFIX rdfs: <>
> PREFIX wn: <>
> {
>  {
>    ?s1 wn:memberMeronymOf 
> <> .
>    ?s1 rdfs:label ?label.
>  }
>  {
>   SERVICE <>
>   {
>     ?s2 wn:hyponymOf 
> <> .
>     ?s2 rdfs:label ?label.
>   }
>  }
>  BIND(URI(CONCAT("", ?label)) AS ?dbpResource)
>  {
>    SERVICE <>
>    {
>      ?dbpResource a <> .
>    }
>  })
> }
> Regards,
> Rob Vesse
> -- 
> PhD Student
> IAM Group
> Bay 20, Room 4027, Building 32
> Electronics&  Computer Science
> University of Southampton



And you change that into a SPARQL construct query and you have a 
linkeset that can be contributed back to DBpedia :-)



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OpenLink Software
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Received on Tuesday, 12 April 2011 14:20:31 UTC