Re: 15 Ways to Think About Data Quality (Just for a Start)

> A minor quibble, not sure about Directionality. You can follow an RDF
> link in both directions (at least in SPARQL and any RDF API I've worked
> with).  I would be inclined to generalize and rephrase this as ...
> "Consistency of modelling: whichever way you make modelling decisions
> such as direction of relations (from country to president, from
> president to country) it is done consistently so you don't have to ask
> many permutations of the same query."

Yes, inconsistency is the worst kind of directionality problem, but to me
Directionality is still a problem in itself. An RDF browser that shows you
both the incoming and outgoing triples is *addressing* that problem, as is
anything that infers the inverses. But the problem still exists. It's an
artificial skew between the logical properties of the data and the manifest
properties in the system. An alternate data-modeling regime in which both
directions are always explicitly asserted would not have this problem (but
would take on, obviously, a higher burden on internal consistency as a

I like your additions of Licensing, Sustainability and Authority.

Received on Tuesday, 12 April 2011 13:41:11 UTC