Re: Conneg representation equivalence

Vasiliy Faronov wrote:
> Thanks Richard, you've dispelled my fears :-)
>> Anything that applies to all representations can be safely stated  
>> using the canonical URI. It also makes sense to relate the generic  
>> resource to the specific ones using hyperlinks or RDF statements.  
>> Inside the HTML representations, this is easily done. In RDF, there  
>> are several useful predicates in Dublin Core, e.g., dc:hasVersion and
>> dc:hasFormat.
> Yes, this sounds like the right thing to do.
To complete this important thread, why not post a few triples that 
reflect your understand of Richard's suggestions. You aren't the first 
person to hit this problem and you certainly won't be the last, so the 
more examples we can persist on the Web, the better for others that come 



Kingsley Idehen	      
President & CEO 
OpenLink Software     
Twitter/ kidehen 

Received on Saturday, 20 March 2010 20:05:36 UTC