RDFa for Turtles 2: HTML embedding

Specific proposal for RDFa embedding in HTML

Ok,  here's a strategy for embedding RDFa metadata in HTML document <heads>
-- make the <head> of the document be a valid XHTML fragment.

Here,  now,  I'm going to write something like

<head xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:dcterms="
    <meta rel="dcterms:creator" content="Ataru Morobishi">

Because the content of the <meta> area is so simple,  compared to other
parts of an html document,  I feel comfortable publishing a valid XHTML
fragment for the head.  My understanding is that the namespace declarations
will just be ignored by ordinary HTML tools (as they are in
backwards-compatible XHTML documents) so there's really no problem here.

This does bend the XHTML/RDFa standard and also HTML a little (those
namespace declarations aren't technically valid) but I think we get a big
gain (even a Turtle-head can embed triples in an HTML document) for very
little pain.

Any thoughts?

Received on Wednesday, 10 March 2010 17:20:19 UTC