Re: Discogs Linked Data


> The main major thing lacking now I think is links[1] to MusicBrainz, and I
> don't think that can be done without a dump. Apart from that, the mappings
> are also incomplete. The ruby code can be found at dataincubator[2].

but plz note the UTF-8 problems in the underlying dump as discussed on
data incubator list here

i filed a bug report with Discogs website but no one has picked up on it yet.

> 1.

i was gonna do that bug hitting the before mentioned unicode bug in
the dump was as far as i got.

> 2.

and as mentioned before dbpedia links are borked as i previously described here

this is a data set i really want too!!!!  somebody know a way around
the unicode problem???

-kurt j

Received on Thursday, 3 June 2010 23:25:36 UTC