Memento (Time Travel for the Web) Update

Dear all,

A while ago, there was an interesting discussion on this list  
regarding the Memento proposal. The discussion is probably best  
summarized by referencing Pete Johnston's blog entry:

Following feedback from that discussion, and invaluable input received  
at a recent meeting with representatives from major web archives (see 
, we have made some revisions/rationalizations to the proposed  

The updated perspective is summarized in the slide deck at:

The major changes are:

(*) Use of a HTTP Link header instead of a HTTP 302 redirect to allow  
navigation from an Original Resource to a TimeGate for it. This solves  
a caching issue faced by the initial approach, and also allows  
applying the framework to non-information resources in order to allow  
retrieving their prior descriptions (see the final slides of the  
aforementioned slide deck).
(*) Use of the same architecture (distinct Original Resource,  
TimeGate, Memento) for scenarios that involve Web archives and Content  
Management Systems as servers of Mementos.


Herbert Van de Sompel

Herbert Van de Sompel
Digital Library Research & Prototyping
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Research Library
tel. +1 505 667 1267

Received on Monday, 8 February 2010 21:14:43 UTC