Re: [fresnel] Fresnel: State of the Art?

On Feb 1, 2010, at 3:09 PM, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:

> I think, it would make sense at some point in time to work on "Fresnel 2".


> Axel

On Feb 2, 2010, at 8:18 PM, Hugh Glaser wrote:


> However, it is now a bit fragile to use - not because of the software (we
> use Jfresnel), but by the time you have over 800 lines of fresnel n3 with
> terms coming from more than 15 ontologies, it becomes a bit like writing
> machine code. And as hard to debug.
> I keep wanting to write a system to generate or maintain it, but can't find
> the time.
> Mind you, not sure what it would look like in Protégé - maybe that is the
> answer? But then would need to find the time to investigate, and in the end
> it ain't broke so I haven't fixed it. :-)
> But it is certainly an appropriate component in the scheme of the Web of
> Data, and a polishing might be beneficial, especially if it resulted in
> support tools.

> Best
> Hugh

Our goal with the first release of the Fresnel vocabulary in 2006 was to have more people (beyond us) play with it in different contexts and get feedback so that the language could be enhanced iteratively. Maybe it is now time to do such an iteration?

Emmanuel Pietriga
INRIA Saclay - Projet In Situ

Received on Wednesday, 3 February 2010 08:40:52 UTC