Re: Delegating trust via.. ? rdfs:seeAlso or?


On 19 April 2010 10:18, Nathan <> wrote:

> I'd very much like to split my personal information in to multiple rdf
> documents, as in have a base foaf profile that doesn't really change,
> then additional documents, for instance on of which may be a frequently
> changing list of things which I have foaf:made.
> To do this I need to link from my "myself" to the other document(s),
> something along the lines of:
> <> rdfs:seeAlso
> <> .

rdfs:seeAlso is appropriate here [1]. You're refering to another
relevant RDF document.

> I'm keen to avoid sameas, and seeAlso appears to be a close fit, but I'm
> worried about general usage of seeAlso as linking to "something else
> that might have some more info, and might be in rdf, but might be anything".

The use case you've described isn't new. I've been using a similar
structure in my FOAF file for years.




Leigh Dodds
Programme Manager, Talis Platform

Received on Monday, 19 April 2010 09:26:50 UTC