Wikipedia on your webpage

Thanks to everyone for responding to my enquiry about making a SPARQL query from client-side JavaScript.  I followed Aldo Bucchi's suggestion to look at the Virtuoso server documentation.

I have built a tutorial webpage at that illustrates the use of two mime types: JSON and text/html.  I intend to use this tutorial with my undergraduate Informatics students this coming Autumn quarter.

Receiving the payload from the Virtuoso server as text/html and then targeting the desired information with XPath is particularly easy and would be my recommended method.

I was less successful in working with the mime type: 'application/sparql-results+xml'.  While I could get client-side JavaScript to recognize the payload as XML, I wasn't able to target its contents with XPath.  If anyone has an working example of unpacking a SPARQL XML object with XPath in client-side JavaScript, I would appreciate seeing it.

Thanks, Terry

Terrence Brooks
Information School
University of Washington
Voice: 206 543-2646
Fax: 206 616-3152

Received on Saturday, 23 May 2009 20:37:47 UTC