Re: Example RDF linking species concepts to photo gallery RDF, Suggestions or Comments Appreciated

On 8 May 2009, at 01:30, Peter DeVries wrote:

> With the except of the predicates speciesHasGallery,  
> galleryHasSpecies.

In <> Tim Berners-Lee  

> On the other hand, also one should not encourage people having to  
> declare both a property and its inverse, which would simply double  
> the number of definitions out there, and give one more axis of  
> arbitrary variation in the way information is expressed.

In other words, there isn't really a need to define both  
speciesHasGallery *and* galleryHasSpecies. You only need one of them.  
I've fallen into the trap of defining inverse properties before and  
when it comes to actually working with the data (e.g. performing  
SPARQL queries), it ends up complicating things.

Also, have you seen <> ? If you make  
geospecies:SpeciesConcept an rdfs:subClassOf biol:Taxonomy, then  
geospecies:speciesHasGallery can be an rdfs:subPropertyOf biol:seeAlso.

Toby A Inkster

Received on Friday, 8 May 2009 07:14:51 UTC