Re: Visualization of domain and range

On Thu, 25 Jun 2009 12:16:36 +0100, Toby Inkster <> wrote:

> What needs to be communicated is that:
> [ a foaf:Agent ] foaf:holdsAccount [ a foaf:OnlineAccount ] .
> instead. Those triples are not actually in the ontology itself, but will
> be found (or at least implied) in any instance data that makes use of
> the foaf:holdsAccount property.

I don't have anything to add about visualisation, but I've been  
experimenting with linking a term I'm defining to an instance that uses it  

:killedByGorilla rdfs:label "Foo"@en ;
      a rdf:Property ;
      rdfs:range openvocab:KillerGorilla ;
      rdfs:domain foaf:Agent ;
      openvocab:exampleResource [
         foaf:name "Mario" ;
         a foaf:Person ;
         :killedByGorilla [
  foaf:name "Donkey Kong" ;
                 a openvocab:KillerGorilla
 ] .
      ] .

Received on Friday, 26 June 2009 08:44:07 UTC