Re: BBC Programmes and Music Data in the Talis Platform


2009/6/10 Ian Davis <>:
> We will also be blogging constantly highlighting cool uses of the data on
> the Talis Platform developer blog at <>

These posts are are now accumulating under the "bbc" tag on the blog,
so if you're not already signed up to the RSS feed, then you can check
in there to stay on top of the recent examples:

As Ian said the other examples and SPARQL queries are here:

We plan to regularly pull out interesting queries from the blogs, not
just to highlight how people are working with the store, but also
because having real-world examples of how people are writing SPARQL
queries is a useful thing to analyse. It provides great feedback on
the kinds of data extraction people are doing, how they're writing
their queries, and how they might be optimized.



Leigh Dodds
Programme Manager, Talis Platform

Received on Friday, 12 June 2009 19:55:55 UTC