Re: ANN:

On Thu, 2009-06-04 at 00:54 +0100, Richard Cyganiak wrote:
> The general RDF graph has the shape
>    <U1> owl:sameAs <U1>, <U2>, <U3>, <U4> .

Oh yes, another thing: saying the above, with OWL reasoning in place is
equivalent to saying:

 <U1> owl:sameAs <U1>, <U1>, <U1>, <U1> .

in a way. For this reason, you might want to consider adding in support
for my URI ontology, in which case you'd serve something like this:

@prefix owl : <> .
@prefix uri : <> .

    <U1> ,
    <U2> ,
    <U3> ;
    [ a uri:UniformResourceIdentifier ; rdf:value "U1" ] ,
    [ a uri:UniformResourceIdentifier ; rdf:value "U2" ] ,
    [ a uri:UniformResourceIdentifier ; rdf:value "U3" ] .

You could even use it to indicate the source of your information. e.g.

      a uri:UniformResourceIdentifier ;
      rdf:value "U2" ;
      ex:accordingTo <http://..../> , <http://..../> ;
      ex:discoveredByUs "2009-04-05"
    ] .

Harry Halpin's IRW ontology may also be of use, but I've not entirely
been able to figure out how it works. It's here:

Toby Inkster <>

Received on Thursday, 4 June 2009 09:19:19 UTC