Re: OpenCalais Linked Data

On 1/28/09 3:25 PM, Hugh Glaser wrote:
> I was of course excited by the appearance of the news article about
> OpenCalais in the esw wiki.
> So like many of us, I hope, I trundled over there to see if I could do some
> linkage to it from my LD.
> Having failed, I guess my question is, how do I find the URIs in Calais so I
> can link to them?

We've had to build a Calais Meta Cartridge that is used by our Sponger 
Middleware (inside Virtuoso) to lookup URIs from Calais (which also 
lookups up URIs from DBpedia and other sources).

An easy way to see Calais and Zemanta (which is a similar NLP service 
aimed at different sources) is via out public Sponger Service at:<some-web-resource-url> .

- opencalais URIs are seeAlso values, ditto Zemanta related data (the 
image links for instance)
- ditto

Note: A Meta Cartridge simply post-processes the initial Linked Data 
graph output from our standard Extractor Cartridges (RDFizers), with the 
sole aim of adding fidelity to the graphs ultimately emitted by the 
Sponger, via Lookups across LOD and a plethora of services.



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Received on Wednesday, 28 January 2009 21:28:52 UTC