Re: RDF and FSLDM ( Financial Services Logical Data Model )

Hi Aldo and all,

XBRL is probably the most important effort in the financial services ontology/vocabulary space.  It's in XML not RDF/OWL.
W3C (esp. Dave Raggett) and others are working to get it in RDF/OWL, and there's a W3C-XBRL sponsored workshop, largely about that, upcoming in Oct.

There are a number of other important financial services ontologies, again in XML, as well.
E.g., in insurance and in back-office banking.

The key here is to convert/port the existing XML specs to RDF/OWL using things like GRDDL and tools people have been developing for XSD to RDF/OWL,
and then enhance them to take advantage of what RDF/OWL/semantic-rules have to offer.


Benjamin Grosof, PhD -- Semantic Technologies.
Sr. Research Program Manager, Vulcan Inc.
Head of Project Halo Advanced Research (HalAR) program.

Received on Monday, 24 August 2009 23:23:58 UTC