- From: Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@openlinksw.com>
- Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2008 17:36:52 -0400
- To: "dbpedia-discussion@lists.sourceforge.net" <dbpedia-discussion@lists.sourceforge.net>
- CC: public-lod@w3.org
All, As was the case earlier this year re. Yago, we've now enriched DBpedia with UMBEL linkage. Of vital relevance is the fact this effort isn't solely about instance to instance linkage (owl:sameAs), it also addresses the vital Entity Type linkage (via rdf:type) so that all DBpedia instances (individuals) can *optionally* inherit the structural richness of UMBEL via *optional* inference rules. Here are the steps perfromed: -- Load UMBEL & DBpedia Instance Level Cross-Links (owl:sameAs) Triples select ttlp_mt (file_to_string_output ('umbel_dbpedia_linkage_v071.n3'), '', 'http://dbpedia.org'); -- Load UMBEL and DBpedia Type (rdf:type) association Triples select ttlp_mt (file_to_string_output ('umbel_dbpedia_types_v071.n3'), '', 'http://dbpedia.org'); --- Load UMBEL Subject Concept Class Hierarchy into a Named Graph select ttlp_mt (file_to_string_output ('umbel_class_hierarchy_v071.n3'), '', 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/classes/umbel#'); -- Load UMBEL External Ontology Mapping into a Named Graph (*Equivalent Classes*) select ttlp_mt (file_to_string_output ('umbel_external_ontologies_linkage.n3'), '', 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/classes/umbel#'); -- Create UMBEL Inference Rules rdfs_rule_set ('http://dbpedia.org/resource/inference/rules/umbel#', 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/classes/umbel#'); -- Test Query 1 define input:inference 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/inference/rules/umbel#' prefix umbel: <http://umbel.org/umbel/sc/> select ?s where { ?s a umbel:RoadVehicle } -- Test Query 2 define input:inference 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/inference/rules/umbel#' prefix umbel: <http://umbel.org/umbel/sc/> select ?s where { ?s a umbel:Automobile_GasolineEngine } -- Test Query 3 define input:inference 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/inference/rules/umbel#' prefix umbel: <http://umbel.org/umbel/sc/> select ?s where { ?s a umbel:Project } -- Test Query 4 define input:inference 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/inference/rules/umbel#' prefix umbel: <http://umbel.org/umbel/sc/> select ?s where { ?s a umbel:Person } -- Test Query 5 define input:inference 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/inference/rules/umbel#' prefix umbel: <http://umbel.org/umbel/sc/> select ?s where { ?s a umbel:Graduate; a umbel:Boxer. } -- Test Query 6 define input:inference 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/inference/rules/umbel#' prefix umbel: <http://umbel.org/umbel/sc/> prefix yago: <http://dbpedia.org/class/yago/> select ?s where { ?s a yago:FemaleBoxers; a umbel:Graduate; a umbel:Boxer. } Links: 1. http://umbel.org/documentation.html - Linkage files -- Regards, Kingsley Idehen Weblog: http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen President & CEO OpenLink Software Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
Received on Friday, 19 September 2008 21:37:28 UTC