Re: Suggestions/existing material for Linked Data tutorial?

Yves Raimond wrote:
> Hello!
>> We plan to publish, with Keith, a small "how-to" for doing a hands-on
>> tutorial like the Web-of-data 101 session we did at the WOD-PD event.
>> With Richard's permission, we'll also take a few things from his
>> session, where he used some of the data we created during our session.
>> The goal of this "how-to" is to make it easy for people to reproduce
>> the tutorial in different places.
> I (finally) started this "linked data tutorial how-to", at:
> Still a lot to do though - I didn't even touch the second part of the
> tutorial. I also wrote a small script, linked from this Wiki page, and
> implementing a small linked data server [1] - attendees can POST RDF
> data to it, and it gets published as linked data. It also provides a
> SPARQL end-point. Anyway, early comments are welcome :-)
> I hope to finish that soon (I need to do this tutorial at the BBC
> soonish, so it'll have to be ready by then :-) )
> Cheers!
> y
> [1]

Nice start.

We will add our own tutorial which starts from: Get Yourself a URI in 5 
mins  of less :-)



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Received on Wednesday, 19 November 2008 18:35:26 UTC