Re: How do you deprecate URIs? Re: OWL-DL and linked data

Harry Halpin wrote:
> Hugh Glaser wrote:
>> Thanks guys, a really interesting and important discussion.
>> However, after the last couple of postings I have the feeling I may agree
>> with both of you.
>> Is that possible?
> Bijan et. al. are right about the semantics of owl:sameAs, but as I've 
> said before, I think that something weaker needs to be coined 
> ("lod:equivalentTo") that states that two URIs refer to the same thing 
> but that any semantic entailments *may* not hold (i.e. user beware). 
> That's a dangerous thing, I agree, but it seems to be what the Linked 
> Data community needs and what's happening organically in the wild with 
> the (ab)use of owl:sameAs.

Never mind the 'semantic entailments' bit for now. If your new property 
is designed for saying that the two URIs refer to the same thing, then 
it simply means (at the prose level) what owl:sameAs says more formally. 
That's too strong to be a useful addition. You can't simply say in the 
English prose "lod:equivalentTo is for when two descriptions are of the 
same thing (but please don't tell the machines that it means this!)". 
Well you can but I advise against it...

I suggest instead a property "thingMap".

label "thingMap"

comment "a thing; either another very similar thing, or the exact 
self-same thing."

notes: this property can be used to indicate either the close similarity 
of two things being described, as well as in situations where owl:sameAs 
is applicable, ie. when there is only one thing. The notion of 
'similarity' is left broad, but the expectation is that it will find use 
for making mapping claims when an owl:sameAs claim might not be easily 





Received on Wednesday, 9 July 2008 11:28:18 UTC