SemanticBible: Linked Data (currently version alpha1)

Hi all,

I've publicly released a very early version of our Linked Data
SemanticBible effort. I've currently versioned it "Alpha1".

Our SemanticBible is a Linked Data Space for information about the
Bible, it's currently very New Testament orientated but we have longer
term plans to include Old Testament stuff. It started life as the semantic web project, but we've decided to go
further by providing it on the Linked Data Cloud.

I've got an about page here:

There are four "starting point" linked data URIs (which return HTML or
RDF depending on your request):
* : The Composite Gospel
: holds information about the stories in the Gospels
* :New
Testament Individuals : holds information about people and places
referenced in the New Testament
* : The Composite
Gospel Ontology : the vocabulary for describing the stories in the
* : The New
Testament Names Ontology : The vocabulary for describing the people
and places referenced in the New Testament

And I've also blogged about it here:

Please be aware that the service may change where I'm improving and
enhancing it. I've got plenty of things to do to it, but comments and
feature requests are always welcome either to my openlink email or by

I look forward to hearing from some of you soon.


Received on Thursday, 21 August 2008 16:35:56 UTC