Re: Using the core location vocabulary to query national address data

On 2014-06-13 19:48, Gannon Dick wrote:
> "Would it make sense to use HMTL tags for formatting?"
> Yes, it would to me, because I am bone tired of look-alike abstractions :-)
At first I was thinking about using HTML to put line breaks in an 
address. But I quickly changed my mind when I started noticing how 
addresses are formatted in scientific papers. They just use commas. I 
think plain commas are nicer than fancy formatting because  an address 
with only commas could embedded directly in any text. To use such an 
address to put on a mail envelope, one would only have to replace the 
commas with line breaks.

It was rather less trivial then I thought, but I have now managed to add 
full addresses to the data set. For example, the following query returns 
all full address within a specified postal code zone:

prefix locn: <>
select ?full_address
from <>
where {
     ?address a locn:Address .
     ?address locn:postCode "1021GL"^^xsd:string.
     ?address locn:fullAddress ?full_address .

(Click here 
to issue this request in your web browser and see the results)

I left off the country name on purpose, because it would not be needed 
within the country and could easily be added otherwise.


> Cheers,
> Gannon

Frans Knibbe
President Kennedylaan 1
1079 MB Amsterdam (NL)

T +31 (0)20 - 5711 347
E <> | disclaimer 

Received on Friday, 27 June 2014 14:01:13 UTC