(groan, not again): OGC Temporal DWG. Was: space and time

Hi Chris,


While commerce depends upon Product Release Dates and Versioning, geographic information can default to the Julian Calendar harmonics.  Not having to deal with this administrative detail is a real, pardon the expression, time saver.  So, I did the math and made a spreadsheet (FODS or EXCEL), a prototype generic version "Release Clock". This calendar is not in harmony with astronomical calculations, which use the Winter Solstice as an anchor rather than New Year's.  I apologize for this shameless attempt to curry favour with Champagne Manufacturers ;-)

The calendar is by year, with anchors at New Year's and New Year+1.  There are three arc control points.  These are arbitrary but can be recognized holidays - and the key word is "recognized".  For example I used Easter ~ Passover ~ Jerusalem Tourist Season.  The control point labels (identity) has no Controlling Authority, that is, they have no effect on the graph (timeline).


Overseas Banks and Government Mint Printing Presses work over night.  Human Resources and a Retail Store's safe in the back room do not.  Neither do many Cultural Heritage resources.  Work-Life Balance gets, um, unbalanced.

On Tue, 7/29/14, Gannon Dick <gannon_dick@yahoo.com> wrote:

 Subject: RE: OGC Temporal DWG. Was: space and time

 Date: Tuesday, July 29, 2014, 12:45 PM
 On Tue, 7/29/14, Little, Chris <chris.little@metoffice.gov.uk>
  And I agree that
 transparency about calendar algorithms is an issue, not
  in their book. This isone thing that I
 hope that an OGC Best Practice document could help, in
 however a small way.
 Hi Chris,
 Maybe it is time to "go
 big" - Universal Coordinated Calendar Time (UTCT).  In
 the near term, (this Julian Century) the Calendar has no
 unidentified shifts.  We know about Leap Days and the
 Calendar is ignorant of Leap Seconds.  So, it is
 This presents
 a problem for Linked Data because even though Personal
 Identity is coupled to Occupation and Occupation is coupled
 to the Location of the Workplace, these are couplings not
 Noon, is a mean value, but one can't assume regression
 to the mean. At the Equator the "Authority" -
 Solar Noon - has a whopping 7 1/2 minute time shift.  This
 is not hidden, but it is overwhelmed by the Equation of
 Time.  The shifts, on a day-to-day basis do not accumulate
 to significance on a year-to-year basis. To determine
 coupling constants is a fools errand.
 e.g. http://www.rustprivacy.org/2014/balance/utct.jpg
 When people triangulate in
 their heads they use 3,4,5 triangles to keep the math
 easy.  For this reason, the Axis length is 500%.  All
 "shifts" (events which impact Work Life Balance)
 are vertical. Sorry, the "Day" indicator can't
 update automatically - it's a PDF.
 --Gannon (J.) Dick ;-) I'm
 not a commuter, I have a funny name.
 -----Original Message-----
  From: Gannon
 Dick [mailto:gannon_dick@yahoo.com]
  Sent: Thursday, July 24,
 2014 5:24 PM
  To: andrea.perego@jrc.ec.europa.eu;
  Chris Beer; Little, Chris
  public-lod; temporal@lists.opengeospatial.org;
  Piero Campalani; Matthias Müller
  Re: OGC Temporal
 DWG. Was: space and time
 Hi Chris,
  who wrote:
  One concern that I
  have is
 that we do not re-invent the  wheel, and do
  nugatory work, hence this email. I do not 
 envisage that we
  will need to do much with
 Calendars, which  have been
  covered so
 well by Dershowitz and Reingold.
  No question the quality of the issue
  (Calendars) is first rate.
  However, the computations
 are not transparently
  self-evident and the
 references you cite in the Wiki are not
 available on-line - or are they ?
  3. Calendrical Tabulations 1900-2200, Edward
  Reingold, Nachum Dershowitz. Hardcover:
 636 pages.
  Publisher: Cambridge University
 Press (16 Sep 2002)
  Language: English
 ISBN-10: 0521782538 ISBN-13:
  Calendrical Calculations, Nachum Dershowitz,
 Edward M.
  Reingold. Paperback: 512 pages.
 Publisher: Cambridge
  University Press; 3
 edition (10 Dec 2007) Language: English
 ISBN-10: 0521702380 ISBN-13: 978-0521702386 
  Accessability to
  known to have been
 invented" is a Wiki issue, I
  On Thu, 7/24/14, Little, Chris <chris.little@metoffice.gov.uk>
 Subject: OGC
  Temporal DWG. Was: space and
 Dick" <gannon_dick@yahoo.com>,
  "Chris Beer" <chris@codex.net.au>
   Cc: "public-locadd@w3.org"
  "public-lod" <public-lod@w3.org>,
  "Piero Campalani" <cmppri@unife.it>,
  "Matthias Müller" <matthias_mueller@tu-dresden.de>
   Date: Thursday, July 24, 2014, 9:36 AM
   #yiv4303497829 --
 {margin-left:1pt;padding-left:4pt;border-left:#800000 2px
   Dear Colleagues,
   OGC started a Temporal Domain Working
  last year  to address a number of
 problems in the
  geospatial domain. In 
 particular, that time is usually
 viewed as Yet Another  Attribute of Features, rather
  than a first class  coordinate.
   We agreed earlier this
 year, in Geneva, that
  the OGC  Naming
 Authority would have a branch to register
 Temporal,  and index based, Coordinate Reference
  and we agreed  on the fundamental
 attributes that a CRS
  should have to be 
 hope to produce a Best Practice document
 this year  to help clarify many confusions between CRSs,
  notations,  calendars, operations and
 calculations. I think
  that now we  have a
 good enough understanding of the
 underlying  conceptual issues and current  geospatial
   We have been
 info on an open wiki http://external.opengeospatial.org/twiki_public/TemporalDWG/WebHome
   and discussing via our
  mailing list, though we are not very
 disciplined about 
   One concern that I
 have is that we do not re-invent the  wheel, and do
  nugatory work, hence this email. I do not 
 envisage that we
  will need to do much with
 Calendars, which  have been
  covered so
 well by Dershowitz and Reingold.
   Best wishes, Chris
   Chris Little
  OGC Meteorology & Oceanography Domain
 Working  Group 
  Co-Chair, OGC Temporal
 Domain  Working Group
 Fellow -
   Met Office  FitzRoy Road  Exeter 
  EX1 3PB  United Kingdom
   Tel: +44(0)1392 886278  Fax: +44(0)1392
  885681  Mobile:
   E-mail: chris.little@metoffice.gov.uk 
   I am normally at
 and Thursday each

Received on Wednesday, 13 August 2014 17:38:11 UTC