Linked open data conference announcement

Conference announcement – programme confirmed

The programme is confirmed for the 2nd Linked Open Data Conference from the
Cataloguing and Indexing Group in Scotland (CIGS). Taking place in Edinburgh,
Scotland on 21st September 2012, with keynote presentation from Richard Wallis -
LOD and semantic web expert and Technology Evangelist at OCLC - and speakers
from across Europe, the conference will be of relevance if you work with or are
responsible for cultural heritage metadata, resource discovery, or data
interoperability and are interested in linked data, open data and the semantic
web - learn how your metadata can work harder for you and others, and how other
people's metadata can work harder for you.

Opening Library Linked Data to National Heritage: Perspectives on International
21st September 2012
Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation
15 South College Street, Edinburgh EH8 9AA, Scotland

Draft programme
10.00-10.30    Registration and coffee
10.30-10.45    Welcome and introduction / Graeme Forbes (CIGS/National Library
of Scotland)
10.45-11.30    Keynote: Why Link? / Richard Wallis (Technology Evangelist, OCLC)
11.30-12.00    Will’s world: walking through Shakespeare. / Muriel Mewissen
(Project Manager, EDINA)
12.00-12.30    Archives, printed material and costumes : cataloguing performing
arts collections. / Mileva Stupar (Curator, Département des Arts du spectacle,
Bibliothèque nationale de France)
12.30-13.30    Lunch
13.30-14.00    Speaker tbc (Open Knowledge Foundation Network)
14.00-14.30    Open all hours: National Library of Scotland’s open data
developments. / Gill Hamilton (Systems Librarian, National Library of Scotland)
14.30-15.00    Publishing the Danish National Bibliography as linked data /
Susanne Thorborg (Bibliographic Consultant, Danish Bibliographic Centre)
15.00-15.30 Publishing and consuming Linked Data from the
National Library of Spain. / Daniel Vila (Researcher/ Ontology Engineering
Group, UPM (Madrid, Spain))
15.30-16.15    Web tour, Q/A and discussion

Full details including abstracts are in the attached PDF.

Cost: £50 + 20% vat (£40 + vat for CIG/CIGS members)
To register for this event, please contact Paul Cunnea, CIGS Secretary, at - please indicate whether you are a CIG/CIGS member, and whether
you wish to be invoiced or will pay on the day. Please note that delegates will
be invoiced after the conference. Any queries regarding purchase orders or
invoicing please contact CIGS Treasurer Ann Cameron at

Please forward to colleagues and appropriate lists.
Apologies for cross-posting.
Twitter #cigslod2012



Received on Tuesday, 7 August 2012 10:07:19 UTC