SWIB12 CfP - Semantic Web in Libraries (Cologne, 26 - 28/11/2012)

Call for Participation: SWIB12 "Semantic Web in Bibliotheken"
(Semantic Web in Libraries) Conference, 26.11. - 28.11.2012, Cologne

To an ever increasing extent Linked Open Data (LOD) is developing into a
mainstream topic, with more and more organisations announcing LOD
projects and services. Furthermore and during the last two years Linked
Open Data has received a lot more attention from the library world.
Examples ranging from the Library of Congress' initiative "A
Bibliographic Framework for the Digital Age", the Conference of European
National Librarians and their vote to support the open licensing of
their data to groups like LODLAM, IFLA'S Semantic Web Special Interest
Group, to  library system vendors and providers discussing and
experimenting with Linked Data technology clearly reflect that -  LOD
has gained a lot of momentum in library land.

The question is how to ensure that LOD won't be a temporary hype but
that it will take hold in future infrastructures. SWIB12  will focus on
the adaption of Semantic Web approaches in applications for libraries
and science. In the last years lots of effort has been put into
generating LOD datasets from legacy systems and into promoting the LOD
approach towards a global and open information space. Upcoming
challenges will be the strategic and technical alignment of catalogues
and legacy systems in libraries, and authoring environments for
scholarly communication with a data and service infrastructure based on
Semantic Web principles.

This year's SWIB conference (Semantic Web in Bibliotheken) will be held
in Cologne from 26-28 November 2012. As in the years before, SWIB12 will
be organized by the North Rhine-Westphalian Library Service Center (hbz)
and the ZBW - German National Library of Economics /  Leibniz
Information Centre for Economics. The conference language is English.

We appreciate proposals (research reports, projects, work in progress,
...) on the following or related topics:

* Integration of Linked Data into productive library environments

* Technologies for providing, accessing and integrating Linked Data in a
non-disruptive and lightweighted way, e.g. by means of APIs or

* Enhancing authoring environments like Content Management Systems,
blogs or wikis with Semantic Web facilities, e.g. by accessing Linked
Open Datasets or by including semantic markup

* Enhancing legacy data through integration of data from the LOD cloud
or through FRBRizing, deduplication, crowdsourcing etc.

* Applications using authority data maintained by libraries and possibly
enriched by the community

* Development of commercial or non-commercial library systems aligning
their data models and policies with the web of data

* Licensing strategies and business models for supporting the reuse of
Linked Open Data

Do you have an interesting service, research topic or project that you
would like to present at the conference? We are looking forward to
receiving your suggestions and proposals for contributions (with an
abstract of 1000-1500 characters) by 20 May 2012. Please submit your
abstract using our website at http://swib.org/swib12.

Adrian Pohl
Tel. +49-(0)221-40075235
E-mail: swib(at)hbz-nrw.de


Joachim Neubert
Tel. +49-(0)40-42834462
E-mail: j.neubert(at)zbw.eu

Website: http://swib.org/swib12
Twitter: #swib12

Received on Tuesday, 24 April 2012 09:35:22 UTC