Re: a Simplified Ontology for Bibliographic Resources (SOBR)

jakob, I haven't yet had time to look at your SOBR, but I am meeting  
soon with some folks to talk about a kind of "RDA lite" -- the goal  
being to build up a data structure using RDA but starting with a bare  
skeleton rather than the whole 1,300 properties. (And I'm pretty sure  
it will not be the same as RDA core.) If we come up with anything  
concrete from this first meeting I will post it here and we can  
compare to your schema. This one will have the library catalog "bias"  
but that simply means that it may serve the library cataloging function.


Quoting Jakob Voss <>:

> Tim Hodson wrote:
>> If the BL uses a vocabulary that imposes restrictions on how the term
>> is used those restrictions might mean that linking to outside sources
>> becomes more difficult, as the scheme definition starts to imply
>> things about the data that are not meant.
>> Much better is to start simply with the easy things to describe, but
>> model the domain in a way that is extensible.
> I fully agree. That's one reason why FRBR in RDF has not really  
> started yet: the current constraints make it difficult to reuse only  
> parts of FRBR. In particular we need general documents or works (as  
> unspecified as bibo:Book, and dct:BibliographicResource), single  
> copies or holdings, and particular editions. I drafted a lightweight  
> ontology for
> this purpose:
>> So if some organisation interested in the works of Jane Austen
>> decides to produce a description of all her works as linked data,
>> then there is a good chance there will be a uri for a single work.
>> That uri would almost certainly not be described using any
>> recognisably frbrish vocabulary.
> I searched for Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" in BL and found  
> dozen of URIs for it. Some are connected with owl:sameAs, but most
> have a particular number of pages and other properties like ISBN.
> For instance
> @prefix blt: <> .
> <>
>   a bibo:Book, dct:BibliographicResource ;
>   dct:title "Pride and Prejudice" ;
>   dct:creator <> ;
>   dct:extend: "309p"@en .
> This could either be a physical book, or an edition, or both, but it  
> would be against common knowledge to say that it is the same as the  
> , so they unlikely represent the general work "Pride and Prejudice".  
> For the latter we already have some URIs:
> <> a bibo:Book ;
>   owl:sameAs <> .
> Someone else may have an URI for its single physical copy:
> <> a bibo:Book ;
>   dct:extend: "309p"@en . # let's assume it's the same edition
> For many applications we do not need to distinguish the three, but
> <>
>   owl:sameAs
>     <> ,
>     <> .
> Is obviously wrong, isn't it? But how can you connect them?
> How about (if BL URIs reference at least single editions):
> <>
>   sobr:editionOf
>     <> ;
>   sobr:exemplar
>     <> .
> Cheers,
> Jakob
> P.S: This is the core of Simplified Ontology for Bibliographic  
> Resources (SOBR): Three non-disjoint classes:
> sobr:Document a owl:Class ; owl:equivalentClass
>     schema:CreativeWork, bibo:Document, foaf:Document, frbr:Endevaour .
> obr:Edition a owl:Class ; rdf:subClassOf sobr:Document ;
>   owl:equivalentClass [ a owl:Class;
>     owl:unionOf (frbr:Expression frbr:Manifestation)
>   ] .
> sobr:Item a owl:Class ; rdf:subClassOf sobr:Document ;
>   owl:equivalentClass frbr:Item .
> -- 
> Jakob Voß <>, skype: nichtich
> Verbundzentrale des GBV (VZG) / Common Library Network
> Platz der Goettinger Sieben 1, 37073 Göttingen, Germany
> +49 (0)551 39-10242,

Karen Coyle
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Wednesday, 2 November 2011 18:35:59 UTC