Re: A needs pyramid for LLD

The representation is interesting, and even more, the way it ties the
issues together.
However, a question on the "pyramid" choice : I would actually
represent it the other way around : maybe that's because I'm used to
the SW Layer cake, but I would put at the bottom & wider the issues
that are pre-requisites and closer or easier to be solved, and at the
top and smaller, the issues that are more complex or less likely to
happen without a strong involvement from the community.

On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 9:58 PM, Karen Coyle <> wrote:
> As part of the work on defining issues for LLD for the final report, I made
> up what I saw as a pyramid of dependencies -- what has to happen before the
> next thing can happen. Others all saw it as being a type of needs pyramid.
> In any case, we may not be using it for the issues work, but I have to say
> that it helped me organize my thinking, which goes like this:
> from top to bottom:
> 1. With FRBR and RDA, and people realizing that MARC is aging, we have an
> opportunity
> 2. We can't make use of the opportunity unless we have the means: time,
> money
> 3. Even if we have the time and money, we won't be successful unless we have
> the skills
> 4. Those skills will not realize the goals without leadership within the
> community
> 5. The community will not begin to move on this unless it has a strong
> motivation
> To me it also makes sense in the other direction: from Motivation to
> Opportunity.
> If it helps, use it; if not, feel free to ignore.
> kc
> --
> Karen Coyle
> ph: 1-510-540-7596
> m: 1-510-435-8234
> skype: kcoylenet

Received on Saturday, 12 March 2011 08:48:02 UTC