Transition to Community Group ?

As discussed during our 2011-05-12 telecon [1], where Harry Halpin was
invited, the W3C has created a new type of groups, called community groups
CGs are expected to replace the previous incubator (XG) process ; actually,
all living incubator groups were invited to transition to Community Groups.

The Library Linked Data XG has not transitioned though, mainly for 2 reasons
- the XG was close to its end, even if we asked for a short extension, we
still believe our work will be finished by the end of August;
- if we were to transition to CG, we feel that it should not be "only" a
library CG, but a LAM CG (Libraries, Archives, Museums).

This topic was discussed during our 2011-06-30 telecon [2].
The minutes of this teleconference show that there is probably a consensus
within the XG that we should transition to CG. While several local groups
(like the ALA Linked Data Interest Group) or domain-specific groups (like
the IFLA SW Special Interest Group) are being created, there is probably
still a need for a more global initiative, and W3C can host such a global,
cross-domain group. Moreover, CGs are not bound in time nor in members type
(anyone can join) or number.

If the LLD XG is to transition to a LAM CG, that raises at least 2 issues :
- it would be necessary to draft a new charter (possibly based on or
inspired by the LLD XG charter). It wouldn't be just transitionning, rather
creating a new group as a result of the work of the XG.
- we would need new chair(s). While Antoine, Tom and myself have been very
happy to chair the XG, and all 3 of us acknowledge that it a was a great
experience and very much appreciate the commitment of the group members, it
is not possible for the 3 of us to maintain the level of involvement that is
needed to launch a group in the coming weeks.

For these reasons, we propose NOT TO transition the XG to community group
right now. The creation of a LAM CG would be highly desirable, and we do
support the idea. If anyone feels ready to volunteer to drive the creation
of such a group, we will also be happy to help him/her/them with the W3C
process and contacts.

Feedback from anyone on this list is very welcome.


Received on Thursday, 4 August 2011 16:15:52 UTC