Re: Pagination best practices

On 23 May 2017 at 08:19, james anderson <> wrote:
> good morning;

Good morning :)

>> On 2017-05-23, at 08:02, Daniel Smedegaard Buus <> wrote:
>> […]
>> When I started out two weeks back, I also briefly considered the Range
>> header, but there are a couple of reasons why I don't want to go that
>> route:
>> 1) The Range header has a completely different meaning
> what are these two “completely different meaning[s]”?

Well, looking over the specs again, I guess you _could_ specify a unit
like "User" instead of bytes, and convert the concept of a "page" to a
"range" of sequential integers on that unit. But how would you include
the total number of items, links to prev and next, etc. (especially if
the IRIs use id-gnostic paging, such as ?after=a43bf007653aa1)?

>> 2) I have much more information that I want to convey and consume,
>> such as number of pages, links to pages, sorting, etc., and they don't
>> fit in there either.
>> 3) HTTP headers are, well, HTTP-gnostic. I'd like my API to be
>> transport-agnostic. And apart from that, putting pagination
>> information in a header transfers state from the document to the
>> transport layer, and I really want the API to offer REST in and of
>> itself, and in all possible transport scenarios, be it HTTP, RPC, Unix
>> sockets or carrier pigeons :D.
> the api is not the model is not the transport.

Clearly :)

> in what way does the pagination relate to the way the model represents whatever it is that you intend that it should.
> whenever i look at an entrained pagination encoding and ask that question, the answer has been “none”.
> which leads to the question, “what is it doing there?"

I'm not sure exactly what you mean by model in this context, but the
pagination links offer state transition. I want the documents I serve
to be self-contained and RESTful.

Also, I don't know how you'd possibly deal with providing links to
nested partial resources that can be paged in an accept header?

Cheers, and thanks! :)


> best regards, from berlin,
> ---
> james anderson | |

Received on Tuesday, 23 May 2017 07:11:28 UTC