RE: Reactivating the CG to work on updated versions of the specs

It is great to see you taking the initiative on this Gregg!

On 30 Sep 2016 at 11:31, Gregg Kellogg wrote:
> JSON-LD 1.0 and JSON-LD API 1.0 have been out and successful for many years now.
> JSON-LD has succeeded beyond the wildest dreams of the CG, thanks to broad adoption.


> Additionally, the Framing algorithm [2] has proven to be important, but work on the
> specification was never complete, and implementations have moved beyond what was
> documented in any case.

It is certainly handy but I'm not sure there's agreement on what exactly it should be. Initially it was just (or at least mostly) about re-framing an existing graph... I think what a lot of people (myself included) actually want and need is to query a graph and control the serialization of the result. Maybe we should start with a discussion on the role of framing!?

> I think it’s time to get back to these documents to create a future 1.1 Community Group
> release of the specifications;

1.1 sounds like minor tweaks to the existing official W3C specifications but some of the discussions and proposals I just saw go way beyond that. What do you consider to be in scope for 1.1?

> At this point, I’d be happy to see active engagement on the mailing list to move these issues
> forward; I’m prepared to do the heavy lifting on the specification documents, and to
> maintain tests and my own Ruby implementation to match. Hopefully, other implementors
> and heavy users can actively engage in making this happen (perhaps an hour a week). It may
> be that we’ll want to start up the bi-weekly calls we used to discuss and resolve on these
> issues prior to moving into the RDF WG.

I'd definitely like to help with this but unfortunately my spare cycles are quite limited.


Markus Lanthaler

Received on Monday, 10 October 2016 08:55:53 UTC