[FHIR JSON-LD] Possible to specify namespace of object node in @context?

I'm experimenting with @type and @id in the @context to generate an 
object node.  AFAICT, when I convert to Turtle, the URI for the object 
node is generated using the @base URI.  Is there some other way to 
specify it in the @context?  FHIR has a "resourceType" property, and I'd 
like to treat the value of that property as an rdf:type in the fhir: 
namespace.  So given JSON-LD like this:

   "@context": ...
   "resourceType": "Observation",
   "@id": "obs123",

I would like it to generate RDF like this (assuming the base URI 
corresponds to the b: prefix):

   b:obs123 rdf:type fhir:Observation .

However, what I'm getting so far is something like:

   b:obs123 rdf:type b:Observation .

Here is the actual JSON-LD that I am trying so far:

       "@base": "http://example/base/",
       "@vocab": "http://example/vocab#",
       "fhir": "http://example/fhir#",
       "rdf": "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#",
          "@id": "rdf:type",
          "@type": "@id"

   "@id": "obs123",
   "resourceType": "Observation",
   "text": {
     "@id": "text456",
     "status": "generated",
     "div": "<div>...</div>"

and here is the RDF that I'm getting as a result:

@prefix fhir:  <http://example/fhir#> .
@prefix rdf:  <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix b: <http://example/base/> .

         <http://example/vocab#text>  b:text456 ;
         rdf:type                     b:Observation .

         <http://example/vocab#div>     "<div>...</div>" ;
         <http://example/vocab#status>  "generated" .

Is it possible to use @context to generate the type of b:obs123 as 
fhir:Observation instead of b:Observation?

David Booth

Received on Friday, 13 March 2015 20:56:51 UTC