Re: Resolving vocabulary URIs?

On 02/14/2015 03:10 AM, Nathan Ridley wrote:
> Your w3id links I think answered my question a little more. The first
> redirected to a proper JSON-LD response. The second redirected to an
> HTML page in the browser, as I would expect, but the JSON-LD response
> (from the command line) ended up with the following response: http:
> error: SSLError: hostname ' <>'
> doesn't match either of ' <>',
> ' <>'

This sounds like you're using a TLS client that doesn't support SNI.
What client are you using? Some old python clients, for example, don't
have what are considered basic TLS features these days.

You may need to upgrade your TLS client to a newer version (if
available) or use a different tool. Most modern TLS clients should
support SNI -- which will send the hostname you're trying to reach when
connecting over TLS -- so the end point knows which certificate to
respond with.

Dave Longley
Digital Bazaar, Inc.

Received on Saturday, 14 February 2015 15:18:34 UTC