RE: Query languages LDPath / JSON-LD Framing

Hi Andreas,

> I am looking for a query language which is

could you please elaborate what you mean by query language? Do you want to query remote data or local data? 

> 1. easy to implement (even for legacy software),
> 2. useful in a RESTful JSON-LD context and
> 3. future proof.

So I assume you want to query some remote JSON-LD data, is that correct? 

> Potentially relevant candidates seem to be:
> Query Parameters

This is surely simple to implement but I don't know enough about your needs. Requiring certain URL structures certainly goes against REST's principles btw.

> JSON-LD Framing

JSON-LD Framing "re-shapes" data into a structure which is more convenient to program against. It supports some querying (e.g., filter by type) as well but I wouldn't classify it as a query language.

> LDPath
> Any hints or suggestions?

Do you have the data in a triple store? If not this probably won't help much. If you do, you might also wanna look at which generated some buzz recently. It defines a minimal API to query a triple store.


Markus Lanthaler

Received on Tuesday, 7 May 2013 12:58:46 UTC