role syntax and role instance - help needed

Dear JSON-LD Community,

I am new to JSON-LD but trying (hard) to make sense out of it.  I have the following ontology model:

Below is how I represent the syntax of Role - pretty much following the Role to Task to Resource and Action relationships.  I may be doing something wrong.... Do I need to use @type instead?  My other question is that I would like to create a Role instance json-ld but struggling how would I express it.... Roles do not have a meaning instead they inherit the meaning from Task (i.e. use Tasks description to provide a Role description).

    "@context": {
        "@vocab": "",
        "ctid": "",
        "Role": {
            "@id": "ctid:3003",
            "enablesExecutionOf": {
                "@id": "ctid:7003",
                "Task": {
                    "@id": "ctid:3006",
                    "accesses": {
                        "@id": "ctid:7005",
                        "Business Resource": {
                            "@id": "ctid:3007"
                    "performs": {
                        "@id": "ctid:7006",
                        "Action": {
                            "@id": "ctid:3008"
                    "inContext": {
                        "@id": "ctid:7007",
                        "Business Context": {
                            "@id": "ctid:3009"
                                                                           "implementedBy": {
                                                                                          "@id": "ctid:7008",
                                                                                          "Application": {
                                                                                                         "@id": "ctid:3010"
                "constrainedBy": {
                    "@id": "ctid:7013",
                    "Policy": {
                        "@id": "ctid:3005"

Radu Marian, MSCS, SCEA, CISSP
Bank of America - Charlotte, NC
VP, Architect 2, Enterprise Security Architecture
Business phone number: (704) 628-6874
an Enterprise without Ontology is like a country without a map.

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Received on Friday, 3 May 2013 20:39:04 UTC