Testing documentLoader and missing documentation for RemoteDocument

In considering how to test the documentLoader option, it seems to me that we never state the purpose of the contextUrl member of the RemoteDocument dictionary which is provided through the promise. It seems to me that a processor MUST act as if the contextUrl was provided as the expandContext option, however this isn't stated anywhere in the document. Presumably, a step would be added, for example in the "expand" description:

(between steps 2 and 3): If the documentLoader option is specified, then the result of dereferencing input either results in an error, or in a RemoteDocument. If the RemoteDocument includes a contextUrl, use it as the value of the expandContext option, unless such an option is specified.

Also, the IRI of the currently being processed document (used to set the base IRI of the active context) should come from RemoteDocument. This should be equivalent to simply using documentUrl as a default value of the base option.

Creating tests for documentLoader requires some special tests, possibly indicating that we should create a document-loader-manifest. To make this work, we'll need to create some .htaccess entries to exercise the variations on the document loader.

document-loader-0001: return input with no link header, content-type application/ld+json -- normal document processing for ExpandTest
document-loader-0002: return input with no link header, content-type application/json -- normal document processing for ExpandTest
document-loader-0003: return input with no link header, content-type application/jldTest+json -- normal document processing for ExpandTest
document-loader-0004: return input with no link header, content-type application/jldTest -- expect "loading document failed" error
document-loader-0004: return input with no link header, content-type application/ld+json and status 301 redirecting to another document -- normal document processing for ExpandTest from referenced document, using documentUrl as base for expanding document-relative IRIs.
document-loader-0005: same as -0004 with status 303.
document-loader-0006: same as -0004 with status 307.
document-loader-0007: same as -0004 with status 404 -- expect "loading document failed" error
document-loader-0008: return input with link header with rel <http://www.w3.org/ns/json-ld#context> and reference to a context document, content-type application/ld+json -- normal document processing for ExpandTest. Specified context is not provided to API, and not used for expanding the input document
document-loader-0009: return input with link header with rel <http://www.w3.org/ns/json-ld#context> and reference to a context document, content-type application/json -- normal document processing for ExpandTest. Specified context is provided to API, and used for expanding the input document
document-loader-0010: return input with link header with rel <http://www.w3.org/ns/json-ld#context> and reference to a context document, content-type application/jldTest+json -- normal document processing for ExpandTest. Specified context is provided to API, and used for expanding the input document
document-loader-0011: return input with multiple link headers with rel <http://www.w3.org/ns/json-ld#context> and reference to different context documents, content-type application/json -- results in "multiple content link headers" error.

It would be great if someone else wanted to take on creating such tests.

Gregg Kellogg

Received on Saturday, 31 August 2013 22:15:28 UTC