RE: JSON-LD CR on hold for 2-3 weeks

On Wednesday, August 14, 2013 5:18 AM, Manu Sporny wrote:
> Hey all,
> I completely forgot about a mandatory 7 day waiting period and the
> requirement for a transition call between LC and CR for the JSON-LD
> specs. There is no way we can hit the Aug 22nd publication date. Sorry
> about that, I screwed up. :(

Too bad

> The semi-good news is that it doesn't require this group to really do
> anything but wait for the W3C process to do its thing.
> Markus, you and I will need to change the date on the specs to the new
> publication date, which will be negotiated over the next 2 weeks. No
> other spec changes are necessary. You will probably need to be on the
> transition call to answer detailed questions about changes to the


> I'll be prepping the transition meeting documents over the next couple
> of days and will send a link to them out to this group and the RDF WG.
> In the best case, there will be around a 2 week delay in publishing the
> Candidate Rec documents... worst case, 4 weeks. Sorry for the mix-up
> folks.

Perhaps we can shorten the CR period to compensate this delay a bit given that we already have more than enough implementations!?

Markus Lanthaler

Received on Thursday, 15 August 2013 17:20:00 UTC