Re: Graphs in JSON

> Just a quick question, how would you handle Arcs that are also points, for
> example the following in RDF
>  </foo> </bar> "Baz" .
>  </bar> x:label "Bar" .

Well, that specific case is unnecessary, since my scheme uses readable
strings for the arcs, but to answer the general question, a complete,
self-describing graph would include the type-schema in the data as points,
too. So each type has a point, and an Arc arc to points representing the
arcs, so we might have these:

  "ID": 5,
  "Name": "Artist",
  "Arcs": {
    "Type": [1],
    "Arc": [7,9]
  "ID": 7
  "Name": "Album",
  "Arcs": {
    "Type": [2],
    "From": [5],
    "To": [6],
    "Inverse": [8]

where the first is the data point for the type "Artist" (point 1 here is the
type Type), and the second is the data point for the arc called "Album" from
Artists to Albums (point 2 is the type Arc). Each arc knows which type it's
coming from, which type it's going to, and its inverse (so point 8 here
would be the data point for the corresponding Artist arc from Albums to


Received on Tuesday, 17 May 2011 18:35:12 UTC