LDP Implementation Report for Apache Marmotta

Dear LDP WG members,

on behalf of the Apache Marmotta community, I am submitting the results 
[1] for the Apache Marmotta implementation [2].

The test suite execution has been already integrated in the regular 
build process. The implementation is currently available in the ASF git 
repositories (commit 3bdb2686c8b8a6eb319a8de403d9ea5e374da0b0, ldp 
branch) as part of the current 3.3.0-SNAPSHOT version, which is planned 
to be released in the upcoming weeks.

Jakob and Sergio, on behalf of the Apache Marmotta community

[2] http://wiki.apache.org/marmotta/LDPImplementationReport/2014-09-16

Sergio Fernández
Senior Researcher
Knowledge and Media Technologies
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
Jakob-Haringer-Straße 5/3 | 5020 Salzburg, Austria
T: +43 662 2288 318 | M: +43 660 2747 925

Received on Tuesday, 16 September 2014 17:11:46 UTC