Re: ldp wishlist for crosscloud

Re. Query, why isn't a query string sufficient to express (simple) queries?
Trying to get a new verb approved seems like a long, hard road.
On 11/10/2014 8:17 AM, wrote:
>> On 10 Nov 2014, at 14:07, James M Snell < <>> wrote:
>> The key challenge for pushing new http methods through is implementer support. Some popular platforms (like node.js for instance) do not have great support for extension methods.
> That sounds like a lesser problem. Node.js is open source and can be changed,
> if developers are enthusiastic about it. For example to get node.js people
> enthusiastic one could get them to consider that QUERY could work with their
> favorite JSON query language - perhaps ( not sure
> what is hot there at present )
> The more difficult problems would be the caching infrastructure, though that is less
> important as it used to be with HTTPS everywhere gaining ground.
> Also I am not against creating a standard link relations that do the job where
> the methods cannot be  used, as a transition solution. It is just that I think one
> should be clear about what the correct web architectural solution would be, and
> let that guide one. It helps one think much more clearly about what is going on.
> For example here about what SPARQL is doing and perhaps how LDP can
> simplify SPARQL. ( eg: remove DELETE GRAPH from SPARQL specs and move
> it to HTTP ).
> Social Web Architect

Received on Monday, 10 November 2014 14:06:19 UTC