Re: LDP paging: spec'ing Sandro's proposal

> The problem is, I only work with generic LDP servers, for which this
> mechanism is useless.  What would make it useful is if clients could
> request it as well, and maybe get redirected to a resource that had 
> that ordering.   You guys ever think about something like that?

In some stacks that are (logically at least) based on LDP, this is how 
things work.
Much of OSLC Core 2.0 found its way into LDP; the Core 3.0 working group 
in OASIS has publicly stated their intent to base 3.0 on top of LDP.
One piece of OSLC Core 2.0 that *did not* end up in LDP is an optional 
"OSLC Query Syntax" [1] that servers can support/extend to allow clients 
to request sorted results (see oslc.orderBy query parameter).  One reason 
it didn't make the cut is mixed implementation experience; even in 
relatively "OSLC-heavy" parts of IBM, "more than a few" implementations 
didn't bother supporting all of OSLC query syntax for various reasons ... 
lack of an SDK for the earliest generation, absence of some expression 
syntaxes popular with clients (! in, etc), and so on.  Some of the 
extensions implementers (with SQL back ends) wanted, IIRC, were "hard" (or 
feared to be) for those with triple stores to implement.  Basically, the 
subset that did find its way into LDP was the largest subset where OSLC 
2.0 found broad consensus accompanied by implementations; once it got into 
the client query syntax, things fragmented.  I'm not sure if things have 
evolved such that some broader consensus is now possible, but perhaps the 
3.0 work will inform that.
It's more popular with servers whose implementation can push the sorting 
down to an underlying database, and with mobile clients.


Best Regards, John

Voice US 845-435-9470  BluePages
Cloud and Smarter Infrastructure OSLC Lead

Received on Monday, 16 June 2014 14:34:28 UTC