Re: class hierarchy of containers

Thanks Henry for taking a crack at this.

However, this doesn't quite match what's in the current draft. The current 
draft actually has BasicContainer as a subclass of DirectContainer rather 
than Container.

Container (aka IndirectContainer)
   ------- DirectContainer (restricts insertedContentRelation property to 
                 ------- BasicContainer (restricts membershipResource 
property to <> and hasMemberRelation property to ldp:contains)

The whole idea behind this hierarchy being that we just add more 
constraints as we go down the hierarchy.

You're missing the isMemberOfRelation property (formerly known as 
membershipPredicateInverse). I think it would look something like that in 
your model:

ldp:isMemberOfRelation a rdf:Property;
   rdfs:domain  ldp:Container;
   rdfs:range rdf:Property.

Now, the question is whether this makes more sense than if we flipped the 
whole tree up-side-down. This requires thinking in terms of expanded 
capabilities instead of restrictions. We start from the simplest class and 
add to it as we go down. This gives us:

Container (aka BasicContainer)
   ------- DirectContainer (adds membershipResource, hasMemberRelation, 
isMemberOfRelation properties)
                 ------- IndirectContainer (adds insertedContentRelation 

I think you could express it this way in OWL (I'm really no OWL expect so 
I apologize if there are mistakes in there):

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~definition of the well known classes and relation 
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix ldp: <> .

ldp:Resource a rdfs:Class;
   rdfs:comment """
      A HTTP resource whose state is represented in any way that conforms 
to the simple 
      lifecycle patterns and conventions in section 5. Linked Data 
Platform Resources.
   """ .

ldp:Container a rdfs:Class;
   owl:subClassOf ldp:Resource;
   rdfs:comment """
   An LDPR representing a collection of contained documents 
     (RDF Document [rdf11-concepts] or information resources [WEBARCH]) 
that responds 
     to client requests for creation, modification, and/or enumeration 
     of its documents, and that conforms to the simple lifecycle patterns 
     and conventions in section6. Linked Data Platform Containers.
   skos:editorialNote """
     This used to be known as the ldp:BasicContainer. A client 
successfully posting 
     to an ldp:Container will create a new resource that is linked to this 
     via an ldp:contains relation.
   """ .

ldp:contains a rdf:Property;
   rdfs:domain ldp:Container;
   rdfs:range ldp:Resource;
   rdfs:comment """
     the ldp:contains relation relates an ldp:Container to an information 
   """ .

ldp:DirectContainer a rdfs:Class;
    owl:subClassOf ldp:Container;
    rdfs:comment """
    A Container that also manages a configurable list of members. A client 
successfully posting 
    to an ldp:DirectContainer will create a new resource that is linked to 
this container
    via an ldp:contains relation and will also add a membership triple of 
either form:
      membershipResource hasMemberRelation member
      member isMemberOfRelation membershipResource.
    in which the member is the created resource.
  """ .

ldp:membershipResource a rdf:Property;
   rdfs:domain ldp:DirectContainer;
   rdfs:range  rdf:Resource .

ldp:hasMemberRelation a rdf:Property;
   rdfs:domain ldp:DirectContainer;
   rdfs:range  rdf:Property .

ldp:isMemberOfRelation a rdf:Property;
   rdfs:domain ldp:DirectContainer;
   rdfs:range  rdf:Property .

ldp:IndirectContainer a rdfs:Class;
   owl:subClassOf ldp:DirectContainer;
   rdfs:comment """
     A DirectContainer providing the additional flexibility to have non 
information resources
     [WEBARCH]) as members. A client successfully posting to an 
ldp:IndirectContainer will create
     a new resource that is linked to this container via an ldp:contains 
relation and will also add
     a membership triple of either form:
      membershipResource hasMemberRelation member
      member isMemberOfRelation membershipResource.
    in which the member is the object of the insertedContentRelation in 
the created resource.
ldp:insertedContentRelation a rdf:Property;
   rdfs:domain ldp:Container;
   rdfs:range  rdf:Property .

As I said on the call I've managed to convince myself that both ways make 

I think what's key is that if a client only knows how/wants to deal with 
BasicContainers, with this model they would simply ignore the whole 
membership stuff and be fine just looking at the containment (container 
ldp:contains resource).

I'm not as sure that a client that only knows how/wants to deal with 
DirectContainers can deal with IndirectContainers as if they were 
DirectContainers. For one thing I would expect them to get confused about 
not finding the contained resources in the list of members.

So, maybe the actual hierarchy we need is this:
Now, the question is whether this makes more sense than if we flipped the 
whole tree up-side-down. This requires thinking in terms of expanded 
capabilities instead of restrictions. We start from the simplest class and 
add to it as we go down. This gives us:

Container (aka BasicContainer)
   ------- IndirectContainer (adds membershipResource, hasMemberRelation, 
isMemberOfRelation, and insertedContentRelation properties)
                 ------- DirectContainer (restricts 
insertedContentRelation property to ldp:MemberSubject)

I'd love for someone more fluent in this type of stuff to tell me which 
way is right.
Best regards.
Arnaud  Le Hors - Software Standards Architect - IBM Software Group

From:   "" <>
To:     "Linked Data Platform (LDP) Working Group" <>, 

Cc:     Sandro Hawke <>
Date:   02/24/2014 10:52 AM
Subject:        class hierarchy of containers


  in today's call there was a discussion on what the class hierarchy of 
the containers 
should be. (There was also a discussion of what the names should be, but 
I'd better leave that
to another thread.) With the spec as it is currently I'd propose the 
following ontology.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~definition of the well known classes and relation 
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .

ldp:Resource a rdfs:Class;
   rdfs:comment """
      A HTTP resource whose state is represented in any way that conforms 
to the simple 
      lifecycle patterns and conventions in section 5. Linked Data 
Platform Resources.
   """ .

ldp:Container a rdfs:Class;
   owl:subClassOf ldp:Resource;
   rdfs:comment """
     An LDPR representing a collection of member resources and/or 
contained documents 
     (RDF Document [rdf11-concepts]  or information resources [WEBARCH]) 
that responds 
     to client requests for creation, modification, and/or enumeration 
     of its members and documents, and that conforms to the simple 
lifecycle patterns 
     and conventions in section6. Linked Data Platform Containers.
   skos:editorialNote """
     This used to be known as the ldp:IndirectContainer. A client 
successfully posting 
   to an ldp:Container will create a new resource that is linked to this 
   via an ldp:contains relation, but may also create what are currently 
known as membership
   """ .
ldp:contains a rdf:Property;
   rdfs:domain ldp:Container;
   rdfs:range ldp:Resource;
   rdfs:comment """
     the ldp:contains relation relates an ldp:Container to an information 
   """ .

ldp:membershipResource a rdf:Property;
   rdfs:domain ldp:Container;
   rdfs:range  rdf:Resource .

ldp:hasMemberRelation a rdf:Property;
   rdfs:domain ldp:Container;
   rdfs:range  rdf:Property .

ldp:insertedContentRelation a rdf:Property;
   rdfs:domain ldp:Container;
   rdfs:range  rdf:Resource .

ldp:BasicContainer a rdfs:Class;
   owl:subClassOf ldp:Container;
   rdfs:comment """
   A LDPC that uses a single pre-defined predicate to link to both its 
contained and 
   member documents (information resources)
   """ .

ldp:DirectContainer a rdfs:Class;
    owl:subClassOf ldp:Container;
    rdfs:comment """
    A LDPC that has the flexibility of choosing what form its membership 
triples take, 
    and allows members to be any resources [WEBARCH], not only documents.
    """ .

So here is I think why the group has been thinking of ldp:BasicContainer
as a subclass of ldp:Container, and that is that it could be defined
as a a set of constraints on ldp:Container, something like this perhaps
( my owl is not good enough so I am not sure)

ldp:BasicContainer owl:subClassOf 
              [ a owl:Restriction;
                owl:onProperty ldp:membershipResource;
                owl:hasValue ?self ],
              [ a owl:Restriction;
                owl:onProperty ldp:hasMemberRelation;
                owl:hasValue ldp:contains ],
              [ a owl:Restriction;
                owl:onProperty ldp:insertedContentRelation;
                owl:hasValue ldp:MemberSubject ] .

I could not find how to express the first restriction in owl, so I put
?self there to represent that one wants the value to be bound to container 

itself. ( each membership resource should point back to itself )

At least it makes a good case that ldp:BasicContainer is a subclass of the 

ldp:Container .

But this does perhaps reveal something odd. Namely that we are here
adding a restriction on relations such as ldp:membershipResource,
ldp:hasMemberRelation and ldp:insertedContentRelation that have 
in their domain, and  that therefore already have ldp:contains set...

Perhaps this can explain Sandro Hawke recent arguments that one feels that 
are two different classes that are somewhat merged together. [1]



Social Web Architect

Received on Tuesday, 25 February 2014 05:25:57 UTC