UC&R updates

I've addressed all of Miguel's comments apart from his recommendations to
add informative references which I haven't had time to look at.

I've followed most of the recommendations to edit the text. The main point
on which I rejected edits were those regarding changes to user stories
that I treat as input evidence, which I'm happy to redact but not

The use cases are numbered and can all be uniquely  referenced by
appending #uc1, #uc2, ... fragments to the document URI. This should aid
traceability. I thought it would be overkill to separately number the user
stories as these only really need to be internally referenced.
e.g <https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ldpwg/raw-file/default/ldp-ucr.html#uc1>

Each use-case now includes forward references to the non-functional and
functional requirements that follow from it.

I've attached the commented version, with my sticky not responses to
Miguel's comments. Please see the UC&R editor's draft for the current
version <https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ldpwg/raw-file/default/ldp-ucr.html>.

Please have the group review and approve the functional and non-functional
requirements stemming from the use-cases, in section 5.

Overall, I think the document is in much better shape following Miguel's
recommendations and numerous corrections.

A big "thankyou" to Miguel for taking the time to prepare such an
extensive review, it was greatly appreciated.

Steve Battle
Semantic Engineer

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